i why i carry a digital camera
my '69
Sunday, Jul. 28, 2002
7:37 a.m.
yes, what my brother said is true. we got inked by a giant squid yesterday.... so we all went fishing yesterday morning. at our second stop my brother and i noticed these "fish" following our lures back up. my dad thought that they looked like some barracuda at first, but they seemed a little misshaped to me. then carlos was all like 'dude, they're giant squid' and the fun began after that. those little f'ers (i say little, but those things were almost 2 feet long) are so freaking hard to actually catch. we would let our lines down maybe 5 feet into the water and just watch the squid go to town on them. so carlos finally caught one and as they just pulled it out of the water this big old blast of liquid hit three of us. i didn't think it was all that big of a deal until i looked down and saw ink all over my jeans. what a bastard.

romances where people die suck. if i'm going to actually take the time to watch a sappy movie there should at least be a happy ending. first it was city of angels, then last week it was sweet november, and as of last night, a walk to remember. i feel so violated.

carlos and the squid the bro